Entangled - By David Abel and Andy Laub, Right Whale and Ocean Conservation Documentary Film

Season 2 Premieres with: Entangled

The Battle for Right Whales – Watch Entangled in Season 2 of The Impact Series

A whole giant whale species on the brink of extinction? Read our article on the North Atlantic Right Whale and Impact Series own documentary Entangled.

We provide the intro to Ishani Dasgupta's wonderful article below, but to read the full article, click here:

Have you heard of the North Atlantic right whale? A gigantic mammal, with lengths up to 17 meters long and a life span of up to 70 years. Long-lived, massive, and, just by image alone, beautiful. Yet they are currently critically endangered, with approximately only 400 wild whales left in the global population, and with this number steadily declining, soon there might not be any of them left. 

Source: Yale Environment

What is the main reason for this decline and rapid movement towards the extinction of the Right Whale? The answer is simple, fishing lines. However, a solution is not as straightforward, as it is shrouded in the interests of many different people who must collectively determine the fate of these animals–whether it be extinction or restoration.